europan 16
Concours international
Projet finaliste
Maître de l’ouvrage: Ville de Bienne et 8 coopératives
Lieu: Biel-Bienne
Collaboration: Nora Molari, Laura Blázquez Martínez, Samu Leppänen, Olivier Friedli, Tanguy Poffet, Bastien Jeandrevin, Raphaël Chatelet
PLAYA DEL SILENCIO – Vie nouvelle dans un quartier existant
Qu’est-ce qu’une nouvelle vie dans un quartier existant? Ou devrait-on dire qu’est-ce que les nouvelles vies ? Le quartier du Geyisried met en évidence les contrastes du tissu urbain dans les zones d’habitation périphériques. Le projet a pour but de redonner vie au quartier sans faire table rase des strates historiques du site. Des interventions ciblées sur les infrastructures ou les aménagements permettent de donner l’impulsion nécessaire à la réappropriation de l’espace public. Le projet propose de transformer les typologies des coopératives existantes datant de 1950 et d’offrir un nouveau pôle doté d’un caractère plus urbain à la place d’Orpond. La réunification des différentes parties du site est ici réalisée en intervenant presque exclusivement sur l’aménagement de la route d’Orpond.
What is new life in an existing neighbourhood? Or should we say what is new life? Life is obviously complex and has a multitude of facets. The urban fabric usually has the same characteristics. Different historical strata, technological developments, fashions and societal changes all contribute to the complex character of a city or neighbourhood. This complexity and diversity is also visible here. The project proposes to take on the heterogeneous character of the district by integrating the differences into the development of the district. The intervention area can be divided into three distinct parts that will develop in different ways. Firstly, the western part has numerous accesses and the potential to create a neighbourhood centre. Secondly, the 1950’s dwellings to the south and north of the Orpundstrasse form a very characteristic ensemble on the site. Finally, the 6 buildings dating from the 1970s-1980s constitute the last remarkable element. The theme of densification is addressed by applying the same principle of heterogeneous urbanism. The main idea of the project is to increase the number of inhabitants within the intervetion perimeter by modifying only the buildings where it is necessary to do so; thus enhancing the existing structure of the neighborhood, and strongly densifying in the reasoned new urban poles. Indeed, the very heterogeneous characteristics of the site guide future interventions towards a non-dogmatic strategy.
europan 16
Concours international
Projet finaliste
Maître de l’ouvrage: Ville de Bienne et 8 coopératives
Lieu: Biel-Bienne
Collaboration: Nora Molari, Laura Blázquez Martínez, Samu Leppänen, Olivier Friedli, Tanguy Poffet, Bastien Jeandrevin, Raphaël Chatelet

PLAYA DEL SILENCIO – Vie nouvelle dans un quartier existant
Qu’est-ce qu’une nouvelle vie dans un quartier existant? Ou devrait-on dire qu’est-ce que les nouvelles vies ? Le quartier du Geyisried met en évidence les contrastes du tissu urbain dans les zones d’habitation périphériques. Le projet a pour but de redonner vie au quartier sans faire table rase des strates historiques du site. Des interventions ciblées sur les infrastructures ou les aménagements permettent de donner l’impulsion nécessaire à la réappropriation de l’espace public. Le projet propose de transformer les typologies des coopératives existantes datant de 1950 et d’offrir un nouveau pôle doté d’un caractère plus urbain à la place d’Orpond. La réunification des différentes parties du site est ici réalisée en intervenant presque exclusivement sur l’aménagement de la route d’Orpond.
What is new life in an existing neighbourhood? Or should we say what is new life? Life is obviously complex and has a multitude of facets. The urban fabric usually has the same characteristics. Different historical strata, technological developments, fashions and societal changes all contribute to the complex character of a city or neighbourhood. This complexity and diversity is also visible here. The project proposes to take on the heterogeneous character of the district by integrating the differences into the development of the district. The intervention area can be divided into three distinct parts that will develop in different ways. Firstly, the western part has numerous accesses and the potential to create a neighbourhood centre. Secondly, the 1950’s dwellings to the south and north of the Orpundstrasse form a very characteristic ensemble on the site. Finally, the 6 buildings dating from the 1970s-1980s constitute the last remarkable element. The theme of densification is addressed by applying the same principle of heterogeneous urbanism. The main idea of the project is to increase the number of inhabitants within the intervetion perimeter by modifying only the buildings where it is necessary to do so; thus enhancing the existing structure of the neighborhood, and strongly densifying in the reasoned new urban poles. Indeed, the very heterogeneous characteristics of the site guide future interventions towards a non-dogmatic strategy.